Total Solution 24k Gold Snail Cleansing Foam 24K黄金蜗牛洗面 奶 (150ml) RM79 (WM) Buy Now |
✿ 成分/ Ingredians:
- 蜗牛黏液过滤物和纯金成分,赋予肌肤水分 和营养供给,维持肌肤弹力。
- The snail mucus filter & pure gold ingrdients provide moisture & nutrint supply to the skin & maintain skin elasticity.
✿ 说明文/ Instruction:
A trip of magic whitening and rebirth. Intelligently clean and smooth skin
A trip of magic whitening and rebirth. Intelligently clean and smooth skin
✿ 产品作用/ Conduct function:
- 有效去除肌肤陈旧污垢,打造亮白、光彩照人的肤色。
- Effectively removes stale dirt from the skin, brighten skin & skin tone.
- 含有蜗牛粘液过滤物,给予肌肤卓越的保湿效果及充足 的营养供给,打造扎实的肌肤保护屏障。
- Contains snail mucus filter to give skin excellent moisturizing effect & sufficient nutrient supply to create a solid skin protection barrier.
- 质地水润细腻且富有弹性,有效清除皮肤上的废物和多 余皮脂,具有深层清洁效果。
- The texture is moist and delicate and elastic, effectively removing waste & excess sebum from the skin, and has a deep cleaning effect.
- 泡沫富有拉伸性。
- The foam is stretchy
✿ 使用方法/ How to use:
- 脸部有彩妆,挤出洁面乳轻轻在肌肤上按摩,或者用手指轻弹再打圈由下往上按摩,再用洗脸巾把彩妆擦拭。再用清水按摩洗净即可。
- Wet facial makeup at first, press some cleanser on palm, plus a little water and knead to generate foam, extrusion cleanser gently massage the skin, or a circle with a finger flick up call by the massage, and then wash your face towel to wipe the makeup, massage face gently with fingertips, and then rinse with clean water
- 早晚洁面时先将脸部及颈部打湿,取适量加水于掌心,揉搓出充 分泡沫后轻柔按摩于全脸,轻柔在脸上,用指尖做环形运动按摩,数分钟后用温水冲洗干净。
- wash your face/neck in the morning and evening. Firstly, wet the face/neck, then take adequate water in the palm, gentle massage the entire face with a full foam ,circular motion with your fingertips, rinse off with warm water after a few minutes.
Total Solution 24k Gold Snail Peeling Gel 24K黄金蜗牛去角质凝 胶 (150ml) RM99 (WM) Buy Now |
✿ 成分/ Ingredians:
- 为蜗牛黏液过滤物、黄金和尿囊素,给予肌肤 弹力、超强保湿功效的同时赋予生机和润泽,有效镇定 肌肤、改善肤质,有助于护肤品的吸收。
- Snail mucus filter, gold and allantoin, which gives the skin elasticity and moisturizing effect while giving vitality and moisturizing, effectively calming the skin & improving skin texture.
✿ 产品作用/ Conduct function:
- 去角质、清洁毛孔
- exfoliate, clean pores.
- 温和去除面部废弃角质及多余油脂,使粗糙的肌肤恢复光滑细腻
- Gently removes dead skin cells and excess oil to restore smooth skin.
- 含有蜗牛黏液过滤物及黄金成分,使得去角质后的肌肤充满生机与水分。并且水润无紧绷感。
- Contains snail mucus filter and gold ingredients, making the skin full of vitality and moisture, hydration without tight feeling.
✿ 使用方法/ How to use:
- 洁面后,擦干面部水分。取适量本品避开眼周肌肤,涂抹于整个面部后,轻揉按摩1~2分钟,待角质与代谢废物 聚集在一起后用温水冲洗干净。
- After cleansing, dry your face. Take appropriate amount of this product and apply to the entire face to avoid the skin around the eyes and massage gently for 1-2 minutes. After the horny and metabolic waste are gathered together, rinse them with warm water.
- 根据肌肤类型,建议每周使用1~2次。使用前用毛巾擦干 面部水分后再去角质和按摩,有助于打造更加柔软光滑 的肌肤纹理。
- Once a week for dry skin. Recommended to use it 1/2 times a week for combination & oily skin. Drying with a towel before use, exfoliating and massage, help to create a softer and smoother skin texture.
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